About Us
VISION: To be solely CHRIST-CENTERED – Spirit Motivated – Hope Stimulating – Community Driven – People Oriented and Service Concentrated movement.
MISSION: To utilized God’s Word, Prayer and Practical Humanitarian Services to Revive Families, Restore Spirituality and Rebuild Community.
MINISTRY’S PASSION: To empower believers and to urge unbelievers to a dynamic saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
CLEAR WORD BROADCASTING NETWORK (CWBN) is a dynamic independent faith-based global online and in-person community humanitarian movement of Inspiration, Hope and Empowerment. We comprise of thousands of dedicated multicultural members, friends, listeners and supporters across the world. The ministry compassionately embraces all people regardless of Religion, Race, Affluence, Culture, Ethnicity or Education.
Understanding that humans are Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Social beings, CWBN takes a multidimensional approach to facilitate the wholistic needs of members, followers and guests.
UNDERTAKING MISSION: Operating 24/7 from our headquarters in Florida, USA, CWBN broadcasts and Live Streams the message of Jesus to cross-generations: alpha, genz, millennials, generation X, boomers and seniors. We simulcast through other radio, internet, television affiliates to engage our global audience. We also interact with our listeners through multiple social media platforms: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Zoom and Skype to name a few.
SPIRITUAL: CWBN places heavy emphasis on Clear Christian Biblical teachings and Life-Altering prayer. We conduct weekly religious services: online bible study, worship experience, bible Q & A sessions, interactive talk show and numerous programs. We also host conferences, seminars, workshops and provide professional counselling.
HUMANITARIAN: Clear Word Broadcasting Network intentionally participates in Street Evangelism, Feeding homeless and Prison Ministry. We also collaborate with other religious, governmental and non-governmental organizations to offer academic and social mentorship for at risk youths.
We share the God’s Unconditional Love to the world through pragmatic bible-based teachings, preaching and practical humanitarian activities which ministers hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged, love to the angry, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, shelter to the homeless.
Johny E. Castor Sr. (aka: Pastor JC) is founder and President of CWBN Incorporated Inc. Pastor JC is married to his high school sweetheart, Ann (aka. Lady C). Pastor JC & Lady C are full-time workers and ministers of CWBN. The Lord blessed their union with four wonderful young adults: Johny Jr., Jamal, Joann and Joedy.